
Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Sorry last nights blog was so let getting away, I had next to zero internet/phone signal all afternoon and evening where we moored, then just before bed it was 2 green lights on the MiFi and we were good to go. I checked when I got up during the night, as you do and still two greens, this morning we were back down to a yellowishy green.

We woke to a sunny but chilly morning, again it was -2°C overnight, but very little thin ice on the canal and that had been broken by the time we set off a little before 11. There was quite a bit of traffic about today and I would estimate we met 12 to 18 boats in the three hours. As we left we had quite a nice view of the windmill in the sun shine.DSCF0357

Just beyond Napton Narrowboats there is still a lone soldier standing in the field on the off side.DSCF0361

The widebeam boat is still moored in the same spot on the Grand Union just past Wigrams Turn. As we passed under bridge 107 I looked back at the sheep on the brow of the hill.DSCF0365

At bridge 102 I did my good deed for the day, on our way out I noticed the sign for The Olive Bush that was against the offside bridge spandrel wall was in the canal but the top still anchored to some bushes. so I stopped just under the bridge and retrieved it until the next gale. On the other side of the canal  built on the line of the disused railway isDSCF0368 this huge building, I don’t know if its just a house, club or what. Just past Nethercote bridge 101 the towpath is in quite a state with mud and standing water, not somewhere you want to be walking without your wellies on.DSCF0372

If anyone is looking for a leisure mooring there is one just outside Braunston by bridge 97 they only want £360 per month for it, probably cheaper in Braunston Marina. We saw our first lambs of the year just at the tend of the moorings before the Puddle Bank but they didn’t look that new.DSCF0374

At Braunston Turn we turned right as we had no reason to go into Braunston this time. The wind didn’t feel quite so cold now and I probably got my best snap so far of Braunston Church.DSCF0379

Just before we were going to moor this large flock of geese came round and landed on the off side, weDSCF0381carried on a bit further and moored on the piling just before bridge 85 and had a little dabble down the weed hatch for a small piece of rag round the shaft. Yes it was cold.


Today’s JourneyScreenshot 2025-02-18 144159 

8¾ miles with no locks in 3 hours

1 comment:

Adam said...

Pretty sure you turned left at Braunston, not right!