Not a bad little mooring last night, I like wildlife but I do wish ducks would sleep at night instead of swimming round the boat quacking in the dark.
Today has been overcast and decidedly chilly unlike yesterday which was very pleasant. We pushed off at 9-30 heading for Stone to deliver a book to The Canal Cruising Company and met several boats on the way. One boat passed before we set off but didn’t pull the pins out or draw us off the mud. Why they make stakes like this with the ring so fare from the top I don’t know. You end up with only ¾ of the stake in the ground doing any work unless you hammer the ring into the ground as well.
Note the rope is round the stake, not just through the ring, I have seen so many rings just fall off.
There are quite a few lambs out in the fields now, I am not sure what the lambing season is now as the seem to start around Christmas time and run through to Easter.
Today was a day for birds, why did nature insist on Herons nesting in trees, they look really unsuitable for landing in tree tops but manage it OK This was followed by a somewhat aggressive Cob at Western, I don’t know what he will be like when he has a nest to protect, he started attacking the front fender then drifted back to have a go
at the stern one, this was followed by actually let us draw away and then flew at us, I was a bit worried that he may damage his wing on the back of the cabin. Not happy with the progress he was making he took a quick nip at Diana’s leg and then tried to eat mine.
Three hours after pushing off and we were below Star Lock in Stone, not wanting to go through town we winded below the lock and dropped onto the 48 hr moorings, a little bit further down by the end of the 5 day moorings the Fair is in town, I just hope there is not too much movement on the towpath tonight.
Just as we moored up I spotted this fine specimen sitting on the fence post opposite.
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