
Tuesday 24 September 2024

Burton on Trent

Last nights Indian Takeaway was superb, for just under £24 we had enough for the two of us two nights running. Aangan on Castle Way, less than 5 minutes from the moorings and this is what we had.

Popoddom & Pickle
Gorkhali Chicken
Lamb Sherpa
Dal Tadka (Side dish)
Vegetable Pakora
2X Pilau Rice,
2X Plain Naan 

Ordered online and then I walked up and collected it dead on time.
This morning we were off at ten to an overcast but dry morning. A cormorant flew over us, landed ahead, swam round behind the boat and then followed us for about 150Mt. diving and fishing, I must have taken half a dozen photos of its tail

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before getting one of its head. It then took off and repeated the exercise, so its something it has learnt to do.  
This is not a happy sight on any mooring, I wonder how long it has been like this.DSCF9697

They say cows and the way they behave is a good indication as to what the weather is going to do. Lying down shows that rain is due shortly but thankfully we have had a dry day.DSCF9698

We were lucky with Dallow  lock as a boat was leaving as we approached so they left the gates for us. We also passed fellow bloggers, The Jameison’s on Free Spirit before heading off to Shobnall Marina to both fill with diesel and empty the toilet tank.DSCF9704 After leaving the marina we only went about a couple of hundred meters before mooring for the night, not much point in going further as the river is in flood at Wychnor so we can’t go passed there.
I didn’t waste the afternoon as I changed the primary fuel filter, it’s a year since it was last done but still all looked clean and also the hydraulic drive filter.

Today’s Journey image

5½ miles, 1 lock in 2½ hours

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