
Monday 23 September 2024


  The weather today was much better than forecast and we haven’t had any rain thank goodness. We hadn’t gone very far when we passed this, I guess he hit the bend just a bit to fast. The police were on the scene, probably to give him a ticket.DSCF9676

Then poor old bridge 17, one side on the point ofDSCF9678 falling do and the other had already fallen in the cut.DSCF9681

There were three boats on the Ragley Boat Stop moorings and at least two of them were using the electric hookup, I wonder if you need tokens or something from the pub? They are good moorings and still room for more.DSCF9682

Just before we got to the entrance to Mercia Marina, the actual marina is the other side of a road so quite a long entrance channel we were surrounded byDSCF9685 Swallows all darting about, these are the only ones I have seen for weeks and thought they had all gone somewhere warm ready for the winter.
On the way down I posted a photo of a train and wondered if it was abandoned, well today I got the answer as dozens of oil tanker wagons were slowly trundling along where it had been parked.DSCF9683

We only met one boat all morning and that was in a bridge hole, luckily I saw him coming and gave way as he admitted he was looking elsewhere, probably the Indian restaurant by the bridge.
We planned to stop in Willington again as we liked the look of the Takeaway menu at Aangan Indian Restaurant, thankfully there were still a few mooring spots when we arrived, but first we dumped the rubbish, filled with water and changed a few books at the services before pushing over to the towpath side for the night.

Today’s Journeyimage

5½ miles 1 lock in 2½ hours

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