On our way to the boat we called in at Denver Sluice to see how work was progressing and if they had started locking boats through yet.
The work is well on with a reasonable channel cut through the sandbank in line with the lock mouth. We were hoping that once they reached this stage they would start locking boats through, but it seems we are going to have to wait until the 28 of the month at the earliest. Both the floating landing stages are floating once again, but to dredge in front of the lock they have breasted them up and moved them downstream, so they are effectively blocking the access channel to the lock. The ADC bulldozer boat is running downstream from the landing stage and then dragging back up towards it. The tide looked pretty full when we were there with only the top of the bank visible so its hard to say what the underwater profile is at the moment. I did shoot some video of it working which I have uploaded to YouTube
We continued on to the boat and proceeded to load up having now discounted a trip to Brandon Creek this time. We were just about to leave when I noticed water on the bathroom floor. A bit of investigation led us to the Essex pipe fitting in the hot water cylinder dribbling, these are quite large across the flats but luckily I have a spanned ground out to fit them, I managed to tighten it by two flats, but at least the leak stopped.
We pushed off to moor at March for the night the only things of note on the way was someone hedge hopping the power lines and a few Kingfishers wising along the river bank.
about an hour later pulled into the newer moorings by the park, this tends to be quieter at night than the town mooring.
March park now boasts a gym in the park with a gym trail consisting of green pipe structures where you can do pull ups etc. if you are that way inclined even a step and cycle machine.
There is very little progress at the new Middle Level Waterman’s moorings other than a boundary fence, a flag pole that is not upright and a rather nice brick based plaque
An Essex pipe fitting, Brian? What's one of those?
May I share your youtube video and picture of Denver Sluice on Nene Valley Boats facebook page.
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