After the storms of yesterday after noon with the hail, wind, thunder and lightning which knocked the 3 transmitter out for a while it turned into a very quiet night with not a puff of wind, cloud in the sky and the temperature dropping to freezing.
We set off at 9 am this morning in the sunshine, as you can see the Dutton Lock Cottages looked a picture in the sunshine. for Acton Bridge where we were picking up my son in law’s parents for the day. Once safely onboard we headed upstream, I rang the lock keeper before setting off and as we arrived at Saltersford Lock the gates opened for us. Once tied up the keeper said there was a boat 10 minutes behind us so bit of a delay, about 30 minutes later it came chugging into view. Once they were breasted to us we were on our way up. We let them leave first but very soon overtook them. As we passed the lift the trip boat was just coming down so we hovered in the mouth to watch, The lift operator was a bit bothered that we would be in the way.
We went up as far as Northwich before winding and heading back to the lift waiting area, we had to be there by ten past one ready for the twenty to two transit, which also gave us time to eat lunch. The lift is much smother this year with no hint of juddering as it moved. We moored at the top of the lift on the Trent and Mersey Canal to go to the visitor centre I must say I think its probably one of the best visitor centres that I have been to. well done British Waterways. Later in the afternoon we headed north on the T&M where we saw our first cygnets of the year.
A half hour holdup at the tunnel as we arrived at twenty five passed four so had to wait until five to go through, so time for a brew, at ten to a hire boat came by and parked his nose in the tunnel mouth asking me if I was waiting for the tunnel as he passed. At five a gave him a few minutes and followed him in, thinking he was in a hurry, we were soon catching him up and had to put the breaks on when he stopped while trying to negotiate one of the wiggles. We winded just passed bridge 210, I wouldn’t recommend this for a full length boat as there is a boat moored on long term moorings right opposite the winding hole. Just after this I got a bit naughty and moored on the CRT long term moorings by bridge 208, there is only one boat moored along this section and its the only place with a decent edge. Our reason for mooring here was to walk down the The Leigh Arms for dinner before saying goodbye to our guests. Once they were safely on their way we walked back to the boat and decided to move south half a mile away from the busy A49.
Today’s Journey 5 miles, 1 Lock, 1 Lift, 2 waterways in 4½ hrs
Courtesy of Waterway Routes
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