
Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Home Mooring

Last night we met up with Graham and Brenda for a first class Indian meal at The Spice Lounge and had flavours I have not had before.Spice Lounge Rugby We ate quite early but even at 6pm the pavements were icy.
During the night I got up for my normal wee and heard the unmistakable sound of being on a boat surrounded by ice and when we got up it was even worse, so we resigned our selves to staying here forDSCF0270

a few days. I am not adverse to breaking a bit of ice but didn’t really want to strip the blacking. As the day progressed it warmed and a little before lunch the first boat passed, then while we were having lunch a second. I rang the marina to find out the situation there, lots are not happy having boats move in ice but they reported it was reasonably clear at the moment but with the forecast it would probably be the last chance this week, so at 1pm we set off towards the locks with a view to winding above the top lock, I have never tried before and we are too long, so it was down 3 locks, wind and then back up three locks to where we started from, just over an hour. We met another boat coming up the locks but that was the only one we saw on the move while we were moving. A good run back to the marina with the ice all broken and getting thinner. The marina entrance was completely free of ice with only very thin ice down at the far end, so rather than going all the way round the marina and into  our berth we went through the swing bridge and winded 360° into our slot tying up just on 3pm.


Today’s Journeyimage

3¼ miles with 6 locks in 2 hours


The total journey this trip

19 nights 100 miles and 52 locks

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Hillmorton above the locks

A nice quiet mooring last night beside the marina with a good TV signal and internet access on Three. This morning we were away at 11am to a bright sunny morning, I had to swing the bows out pastDSCF0260 the Rothen work boats, but with no wind it was not a problem. They are still restoring the bridge over the entrance to Braunston Marina, goodness knows how long its going to take, if CRT are paying for the plant sitting there you can see why its costing so much.DSCF0261

Braunston Church spire looked splendid in the morning sun, it was so nice I didn’t realise how cold it actually was, but there was still ice on the canal in places, very thin but still there.DSCF0262

Thankfully the boat coming towards us blew their horn as they came under the A45 on the North Oxford, se probably saw my bows well before I saw her, but it gave me time to move over and give her a clear passage. Our next stop was Dunchurch Pools to fill with diesel at 95p/lt for domestic, this time of the year we burn about 10lt a day and took on 160 lts.
Some of you may recognise this bridge, its one WRG rebuilt for CRT when they were looking at using volunteers to carry out larger jobs. Its number 80DSCF0268

We continued north past our marina to Hillmorton where we are meeting Graham and Brenda tonight.

Today’s Journeyimage

7 miles with no locks in 2¾ hours

Monday, 6 January 2025


It was quite a night, in the evening the temperature rose quite rapidly along with heavy rain and wind, the temperature must have dropped just as fast as there was still snow around this morning. We didn’t set off until 11 am. and that felt like a mistake with fine , cold rain hitting my face, however a couple of bends and it stopped. All the rain had brought the canal up a few inches with the towpath under waterDSCF0249

in places, at bridge 103 I had to drop the exhaust to get under it and there was about 4” going over the spill weir. Mind you it blew/washed the mucky weather away, there is still a windmill at Napton.DSCF0250

We passed this pair of boats near the old Bridge Inn, the front one with the bike on is the butty and the DSCF0251



motor which has a hydraulic drive to a motor in the rudder pushes it. You can see the hoses running down to it.DSCF0253

Yesterday I mentioned the wide beam boat moored near Wigrams Turn, you can see in this photo the mooring lines tied loosely around the piling rail.DSCF0256

By now the weather had improved a lot and the sun actually popped through now and again.
CRT have done a couple of bits of piling, this one should be a nice mooring once the mud dries out,DSCF0258

the other length they have piled will be useless as they have attached reed growing coir sausages all along the front of it.
They were still cutting back the undergrowth on the offside of the puddle banks and with the rising water they were just over topping in one spot.DSCF0259

At Braunston junction we turned left onto the North Oxford canal and drew across to the offside to take on water, but the area was under a couple of inches of water so we abandoned that idea, reversed back round the junction and headed into Braunston to fill up, then on to the marina entrance to wind, it was then we spotted a mooring spot behind the Rothen work boats beside the marina so a short reverse into there for the night.

Today’s Journeyimage

   7½ miles with no locks in 2½ hours

Sunday, 5 January 2025


Last night we ate at The boat House conveniently moored right outside the door, the place was just about deserted so we were able to sit beside the fire. The meals we had were again very good and 30% of the price of the mains. When we came out it had just started raining.
When I got up for my night time wee, looking outside everywhere was white with a good covering of snow, probably half had gone by this morning.
We set off at 11am to a really miserable misty, damp, cold morning.DSCF0244

At Braunston Turn we went straight ahead towards the South Oxford canal. The island at the junction is in bit or a bad way. I know boats hit the corners but that done cause the problems inside the brick arch.DSCF0246 I wonder what the effect is on the bridge foundations.
Heading along the puddle bank the offside is very close to the water level, it looks as if CRT have cleared the undergrowth to inspect the area.DSCF0247 By now the weather had detreated to very fine drizzle and much less visibility, but this was soon replaced by real rain, after that it did improve very slightly. The same wide beam boat is moored just before Napton Junction that was there when we last came this way which is surprising, as its moored with lose lines round the rail of the pilling, this normally results in them cutting through quite quickly and the boat going adrift.   At the junction the seagulls were again taking up residence on the sign post.DSCF0248

Again it was straight on along the South Oxford, or plan was to moor by the first lock tonight and then go to Fenny tomorrow, but HS” have a stoppage for a month at Wormleighton starting tomorrow, so we winded at the last winding hole before the locks and moored here for the night.

Todays Journeyimage


7 miles with no locks in 2¼ hours

Saturday, 4 January 2025


It was quite sheltered where we moored last night and very little frost about this morning but a boater we meat said he had been breaking thin ice at Marston Doles earlier. We were in no hurry to set of as we were only going as far as Braunston. We only had one boat pass us heading towards Braunston and this chap coming the other way, I hope he didn’t come through the tunnel and no, its not his dogDSCF0239

CRT are replacing the steps up to Welton Lane bridge 6 on one side and on the other they have cut a lot of trees.DSCF0240

We had a clear run through the tunnel, not a boat in sight in any direction. A boat had gone earlier so we expected all the locks to be against us. DSCF0243

What we didn’t expect we to find two boat about to go down lock No 4 when we arrived at No. 5. We followed them the rest of the way down only using one paddle so as to keep a pound behind until they moored between locks one and two. I was about to turn lock one when I just spotted a cruises tying up below the lock, I gave him a quick shout to check he was coming up and opened up ready for him. Diana had to hover above the lock while I worked him up, as if you use the lock moorings you effectively foul the nearside gate for boats coming out. They really should move the visitor moorings back two lengths. Once clear of the locks we continued on to moor right outside the Boat House for the night, where we will eat tonight.

Today’s Journeyimage

3¼ miles with 6 locks in 2¾ hours

Friday, 3 January 2025

Monksmoor Park, Daventry

It turned quite cold last night and I was expecting the canal to be frozen over this morning, but there was very little ice on the canal, Crick Wharf Marina was partly covered but that was it. We were away a little late as Diana went for some fresh vegetables for the Post Office. Crick Tunnel was much dryer than last week, just wet at the ends. As the M1 motorway came into view we could see one boat moored just before the bridge, one under the bridge and a third approaching the top lock. I dropped Diana off under the motorway to book us in with the Volockies who were both at the top lock. She then waved me forward, the Volockie said he had seen no sign of life from the other boats so we were on our way, the other two followed us down. I worked the locks while Diana steered the boat down, she met another boat coming up in the bottom pound so we could leave the gates in lock 2 for them. The pound below the locks was well up and flowing over the spill weir.DSCF0232

Some time ago there was an imitative to plant a tree every mile along this canal, I don’t recall if other canals were involved. They were called living mile posts and each one had a metal plaque, most have survived but not all, likewise some of the plaques have suffered graffiti.DSCF0230

One of the trees is right beside the entrance to Welton Haven marina and is looking quite healthy, but the sign is hidden in the hedgerow.DSCF0231

The railway crosses the canal at quite an angle resulting in quite a wide bridge for just two tracks. I find the construction quite interesting as each side of the bridge is brick vaulted construction but the middle section is concrete. This makes me wonder if

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the bridge is the original  but has had the centre section replaced at some point, or was it much narrower and they moved the sides out and inserted the concrete section. Both sides of the bridge have identical cast iron facings with a concrete beam and railings on top.DSCF0236

Ever since we came this way last week CRT have been reporting a tree down and passable with care, its not much more than a branch with plenty of room to pass. It may have been down when we came through last, I can’t be sure.DSCF0238

We carried on down to Norton Junction and just as I started to turn a boats bow appeared coming from the Buckby flight, also going towards Braunston, so I held back and let him by. I think we saw his bow  and stopped before he saw us. Now on the Grand Union Main Line we continued towards Braunston for about a mile before mooring for the night on the first length of piled bank.

Today’s Journey image

6¼ mile with 7 locks in 2¾ hours

Thursday, 2 January 2025


It turned quite cold in the early hours this morning, both front and rears lids were frozen to their runners when we opened up this morning .DSCF0218 The grass was white with the frost. and in one place, it was the only place, mist was rising from the canal, why that spot I have no idea.DSCF0217

We had a slightly embarrassing moment just before breakfast and found we had an empty water tank, thankfully the kettle was full, but there were a couple of water points within a 2 hour cruise of where we were. Again we met several boats out in the bright sunshine.
This canal has mile markers that stand very prominently out on the towpath showing the mileage to Leicester.DSCF0219

We stopped at Yelvertoft to fill with water. The water point is at the end of the long term moorings so gets used regularly. Some points get used very infrequently this time of the year so the water can lay in the main for a long time, I would rather use a well used one.  A rather interesting row of cottages just passed the next bridge, probably all one house now, but its end on to the towpath and the gable end is angled to use all the land available.DSCF0222

On the offside just beyond her are some old Lime Kilns, they use to be much more over grown than this.DSCF0226

Sitting in the field by the winding holt adjacent to Crack’s Hill is this old Springer Narrowboat, its been here for as long as I can remember. The superstructure has been removed and now sits on a nearby trailer.DSCF0228

We carried to moor for the night in Crick to wander up the High street to the Co-op. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were not iced in very soon.

Today’s journeyimage

4¼ miles with no locks in 2¼ hours.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025


Well what a start to the New Year, in like a Lion is right, it was roaring when we went to bed around midnight with the wind and soon after the rain joined in. It died down this morning and the rain started to ease. I was going to wait until it cleared up but then I found out Wallace and Grommet were on TV again at 1.55pm so we had to get moving. The bank has subsided near to Welford Junction and the level on top of the concrete walling topped up with sand bags.DSCF0210

The canal was quite busy today and we probably met half a dozen boats with more passing after we moored up.
Between bridges 36 & 37 the towpath hedge has been layered and there is a notice saying it the DSCF0212viewing area for Downtown Medieval village, I don’t know what there is to see if you do stop and look over the hedge.DSCF0211

We passed under the A14 trunk road, better down here than up there and continued on our way to find a sheltered spot to moor, looking at the wind direction and the lay of the canal between 26 and 27 looked a good spot and we should be there about ten to two, however 11 other boats had the same idea, I tried getting in at the end but we were so far out Diana couldn’t get back onboard,so we pushed on and pulled in on the piling just after bridge 26 where it was deeper, in the lea of the hedge with no trees. Aerial up, TV on, everything shipshape just as W&G was starting.

Today’s Journeyimage

6½ miles with no locks in 2¼ hours

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

North Kilworth

No particular rush this morning as 8-30 last night we received an update to the N Kilworth stoppage that it would probably be lunchtime today before it was cleared.

Well that was bit of  a disaster. at 1-21pm CRT issued the following update to the stoppage notice.

Update on 31/12/2024:
Contractors are still working on clearing the fallen tree. The navigation is now partially cleared and boaters are asked to proceed with caution. we will update this notice by the end of the day.

So at half one we set off not meeting any boats and through the tunnel. At the far side of the tunnel wasDSCF0208

probably a dozen moored boat with no chance of being able to get past the fallen tree if  your boat draws more that 6” of water.

We tied up at the front of the queue and could see the three chaps working away cutting wood and winching it out. we resigned ourselves to spending  New Years day here. It was sheltered down where we were but the trees on the top of the cutting were wavering about well, not a place I would chose to moor for the night. Then at quarter past four a boat with his headlight on came by, it was the first one through the stoppage, so like several others we got ready to move. By now the light was fading badly as we set off. We only planned to just past the marina entrance but there was a boat in our chosen spot so it was through bridge 43 and on the pilling there. It wasn’t easy holding the boat in against the wind while mooring with a broadside wind, but here we have a hedge and a bank to windward to break the force of the wind, had we gone round the bend it would have been straight onto the bow doors.

This of course is the end of this years cruising, we are a bit down on our normal totals with 555 locks worked, 940 miles and some 440 hours and 136 nights on board. If you click on the map you can see everywhere we have been this year.

Today’s journeyimage


3¼ miles with no locks in 1¼ hour.

Monday, 30 December 2024


I looked out this morning to see a red sky, we all know what that symbolises, then I checked the emails, nothing from CRT about the N Kilworth tree down, even though they said there would be an update by Sunday evening.
We set off about half ten to a bright, breezy but chilly morning, we didn’t expect to go far, only about an hour because as far as we knew the tree was still blocking the cut at N Kilworth. Not far from Foxton CRT have rebuilt the canal bank with bags, I don’t know what they contain, maybe cement or just soil?DSCF0205

The towpath is closed at the bridges each end of the works, but as you can see from the two fishermen people are ignoring the closure.DSCF0204

I use Waterwayroutes to plan my mooring spots, so I decided to stop at one not far from Husbands Bosworth Tunnel east portal on piling where there were no large trees. Before shutting down for the day I contacted CRT to get an update on the stoppage, luckily the lady I spoke to had spoken to the area team about it earlier and they were still working on it, so we wouldn’t be going through today.

Today’s journeyimage

3½ miles with no locks in 1¼ hours

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Foxton top lock

We set off just after 10-30 and it wasn’t long before the sky cleared and the sun popped out. I think this may be one of the very few Fibreline fibre glass Narrowboats  still about,I only know of 4 but there are 7 listed on CanalPlanacDSCF0187

Many years ago CRT or it may even have been the dying embers of BW who wanted the canals to go metric and started putting up metric speed signs.DSCF0181

As today was crystal clear we could see the extent of the housing development on the outskirts of Market Harborough. Yesterday we could barely see the closest house.DSCF0189

Yesterday it was an obliging Kingfisher, today its a Heron or Harnser.DSCF0192

I don’t know what this building was before it was converted but I think they made a nice job of it from the bits I could see.DSCF0193

Bit of a slalom course through the bridge and round the tree, probably be a bit tight for a wide beam boat.DSCF0195

I didn’t realise what a state this poor old Buzzard was in until I down loaded the photos this evening, you can see its wing feathers were quite ragged.DSCF0198

On our way down the arm I spotted a rather good piece of wood carving on the back end of a boat so I made a point of getting a photo on our way back, I also noticed that the boat was displaying a waterways trades window sticker.DSCF0203

We carried on through the road swing bridge, I had just closed one barrier when two cars turned up, so I let them through, the cyclist was not so lucky as the bridge was on the move when he arrived, but he did offer to give me a push. It took me all my time to get it started. We stopped for lunch just before the swing footbridge, its a light weight compared to the other bridge, just over an hour later we were on our way and soon tucked in below the bottom lock of the flight. I walked up to find the Volockie who was actually on his way down. One one else in the flight and we were on our way, by the second lock we must have had 50 bystanders milling Volockies which helped with crowed control and we soon had the kids opening and closing the gates for us. Several were interested how the system actually worked. The strange thing was, non of them knew about the N Kilworth tree down other than what boaters had told them. We moored at the top of the locks, just before the first bridge for the night, the same spot as going down. Tomorrow if the tree is not cleared we will just go as far as we can.

Today’s Journey image

5¼ miles with 10 locks in 3 hours