It was quite sheltered where we moored last night and very little frost about this morning but a boater we meat said he had been breaking thin ice at Marston Doles earlier. We were in no hurry to set of as we were only going as far as Braunston. We only had one boat pass us heading towards Braunston and this chap coming the other way, I hope he didn’t come through the tunnel and no, its not his dog
CRT are replacing the steps up to Welton Lane bridge 6 on one side and on the other they have cut a lot of trees.
We had a clear run through the tunnel, not a boat in sight in any direction. A boat had gone earlier so we expected all the locks to be against us.
What we didn’t expect we to find two boat about to go down lock No 4 when we arrived at No. 5. We followed them the rest of the way down only using one paddle so as to keep a pound behind until they moored between locks one and two. I was about to turn lock one when I just spotted a cruises tying up below the lock, I gave him a quick shout to check he was coming up and opened up ready for him. Diana had to hover above the lock while I worked him up, as if you use the lock moorings you effectively foul the nearside gate for boats coming out. They really should move the visitor moorings back two lengths. Once clear of the locks we continued on to moor right outside the Boat House for the night, where we will eat tonight.
3¼ miles with 6 locks in 2¾ hours