We pushed off at half nine and dropped trough Cosgrove lock alone and then on to the aqueduct, on the way we passed this boat, I know my thought but will let you make your own minds up.
I will just say I thought I was approaching the stern, not the bow.
George took us across the aqueduct, well he took us all the way from the lock actually, he can steer quite well.
The second is made of miniature railway lines with a train running down the arm.
The mural along the wall is holding out quite well but there are quite a few weed growing up in front of it. We continued south crossing the Grafton aqueduct where some joker has modified the finger post and now they all point in the same direction.
Last time we passed the Black Horse moorings there was a skeleton sitting in a canoe on the off side, the canoe has now rotted away and the skeleton has decided to wait for a bus instead.
While we were stopped for lunch a boat came by with a cry of “Brian”, I went out to find probably one of the longest followers of my blog, in fact he may even have followed my trip reports before I started Blogging, It was Barry, ex Fire fighter, ex Wimbledon steward. We have probably only met 3 times face to face in all that time and as he will be coming up the Thames we could yet meet again. After lunch we carried on, the weather cloudy at times but still holding. We had planned to moor at Water Eaton but the best moorings were pretty full and I don’t like mooring under trees for several reasons, one if it rains it drip, if the birds sit in them they poo on the boat and at the very worst they blow down in the wind, so because of this we finally moored a short way passed Willowbridge Marina where the canal and the road part company for a bit. The weather was still good so out came the BBQ, kiss of death, it just got hold with nice white coals and the sky’s opened. So I am sitting typing this with the cover on the BBQ waiting for the rain to stop.
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