It was definitely chilly last night, we recorded -5°C and when we left at 10 o’clock it had risen to -4°, but what a morning it was with clear blue sky’s and bright sunshine, everywhere was covered in thick, white frost from last nights freezing fog.
It has to be very cold for the LLangollen canal to freeze over as it is a constantly moving waterway, but today there was very thin ice in the mooring layby at Lyon Quays which is on the side of the canal. The canal gave some real Christmas Card views today as we made our way to Ellesmere.
The wind was so light that that we even saw a hot air balloon slowly drifting across the sky, this was just before we arrived at The Jack Mytton Inn. Water levels here were a bit better than when we came up and we didn’t touch the bottom at all.
We stopped at the services at CRT services at Ellesmere to top up with water, I had luckily had the forethought to take the water hose out of the front locker and put it in the engine room so that wasn’t a block of ice, I learnt that the hard way. Once full of water we moored at the mouth or the Ellesmere Arm as the sun was going behind the clouds.
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