We are making right pigs of our selves this trip going out to eat, on Richard's recommendation we went to the Italian restaurant last night, unfortunate their menu was limited due to a chef going on holiday, but it did result on two glasses of Merlot on the house and their Gelato is to die for. It was also very good value, but they do stop serving at 8 pm.
This morning we visited the Butchers for a nice joint of Lamb, well I hope its nice and a free range hen. Then off to the charity shop to give them 2 books and 2 jigsaws. It seams that for health and safety reasons we should have put them in a carrier bag for them, as we didn't have one on this occasion they put them in a bag for us but would we please bag any we bring in future, We also visited the market, this consisted of 5 stalls, 1 doing pet food, 1 fresh fish, 1 all the things you didn't know you needed, 1 cakes and pies and a fruit and veg stall, did you know there is now a shortage of celery.
We returned to the boat and made ready to set off when it started to snow, it certainly felt a lot colder today. It didn't last long and we only had a few more flakes during the day.
On our outward journey I noticed this sunk butty, at the time it had sandbags along the outer gunwale so I guess someone was trying to pump it, today the outer gunwale was well under water. Her number is 4000505
As we approached Daresbury the Fiddlers Ferry Power station just across the Mersey was belching out loads of steam. The station is capable of burning both coal and biomass fuel. We often see the trains of Biomass fuel crossing the Weaver just below Dutton Lock. Then round the bend was the Science Park.
The Waterways World cruising guide mentions the Canteen overlooking the Mersey and the good moorings, but the
owners make it very plain that boaters are not welcome. They have some very artistic displays in the grounds, I do wonder if they are
actually photographs of some scientific phenomena, we only went a few hundred yards more and moored just after George Gleave's Bridge.
9 miles in two and a half hours.
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