
Wednesday 18 September 2024

Branston Water Park

Yesterday tea time yet another ex working boat came by, this time Dove.DSCF9624

The sunset last night was quite spectacular, far better than this photo gives credit for, also of courseDSCF9630 the full moon, I was hoping to see the eclipse but when I got up for my wee I couldn’t even see the moon, I don’t know what the time was.

We were away at 10 this morning down to Bagnall lock. The sign is still there but the willows are in need of cutting to get back to the gateway.DSCF9631

We stopped for ¾hour in Alrewas to visit the butcher and Co-op before heading down to Alrewas Lock. On the way we had the pleasure, or not, of watching a Mink run along the edge of the canal and hide in the growth under the bridge, if you look very carefully you can just see his tail.DSCF9634I helped the boat ahead down Alrewas Lock by which time there was a hire boat coming up, rather embarrassing for the steerer, he thought I was a look keeper so they both stayed on the boat, when the truth dawned on him he was very apologetic , poor chap. One of the dangers of boating in overalls.
The river was quite benign as we headed towards Wychnor lock passing under this bridge, All the fendering has been smashed off the support leaving protruding steel and bolts, so take care to keep close to the towpath.DSCF9635

As we worked up Wychnor lock a Biplane circled over head, a little later we had the other extreme with this chap flying along the line of the canal.DSCF9639

We passed through the eye of the needle with this bridge without a towpath, it certainly slows progress being so tight with the water flow.DSCF9638

Again we were meeting a steady stream of boats and a couple commented on how busy the canal was. We moored for the night at the Branston Water park, no room on the visitor moorings so a bit closer to the bridge.

Today’s journey image

6 miles, 5 locks in 3¼ hours

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Common Lock T&M Fradley

We set off a few minutes to 10, 3 boats had already been by and we met another 21 before Fradley Junction. Again it was a little misty over the valley when we left and the canal mirror calm.DSCF9616

Of course we met some of the boats in awkward places and we even met one we know, Hello Sue and Allen. I better add yesterday I met Mike who commented on yesterdays blog but didn’t recognise him.
As the day went on it got warmer and warmer. I don’t know if this is CRT handiwork or the Litchfield Cruising Club, but it looks to be highlighting the ankle breakers along the tow path. One thing thatDSCF9619

does annoy me it the mooring restriction notices that have just been left to fall off the piling into the canal. It should be part of the post gathering clean up.
We arrived at Fradley Junction right at lunch time, so no boats moving or Volockies to worry about. Out through the swing bridge and turn right ready for Junction Lock, as the lock filled I swapped with Diana so she could steer and I worked the locks as she has a gammy leg at the moment. All 3 locks were against us, but as we left Hunt’s Lock a boat was coming towards us so we were able to leave that one open. Down to Common lock which was down a foot, quite surprising considering how much the top gates leak. The bottom gates are a bit unusual having a hand rail, its more common to use the paddle gear.DSCF9623

Also unusual at this lock is the bench seat with the back only half the length of the seat. Its quite a sturdy affair and paid for by lottery heritage funding for the Trent Valley, so I guess they had a hand in the design.DSCF9622

We only did another couple of hundred meters before mooring for the night at one of the few places you can get in close to the bank.

Today’s journey image

9¾ miles, 4 locks in 4¼ hours

Monday 16 September 2024

Lazy Otter Hopwas

The day started misty but we were in no rush to get away as again it was a short day.DSCF9602

At Glascote locks we had a couple of boats ahead but some assistance from a lady who was waiting for her boat to arrive. We thought it strange that she had no windlass but it transpired she had taken the car home, returned by train and was waiting for two elderly boats from Alvecote heading to the Tipton Rally. We did meet one boat coming up, but that didn’t really help us. Much more traffic going down.
The old Spon Dredger that use to be at Rose Narrowboats is still moored outside the entrance to Glascote Basin, it seams a bit vulnerable there, last time we passed there was a group of youngsters sat on it, so I took the trouble to explain what it was, hoping that would be more effective than telling them to get off.DSCF9605

The basin as usual looks rammed full of boats. DSCF9606

Some time ago the lock cottage at Glascote Bottom Lock changed hands and work has been ongoing inside. Today a new roof is going on, I think that would have been one of my first jobs.DSCF9607

We stopped for water at Fazeley junction, unfortunately when we arrived there was already a boat filling up so we dropped in behind them. it was an hour and a half later when we left, I am sure the tap didn’t use to be this slow. While we were there I managed to get photographs of the two boats following us, one with the lady in pink who helped at the locks DSCF9609DSCF9613

When we were finally filled with water, also time for lunch and a cup of tea we set off again, by now the weather was quite warm. The sunken boat by the A5 road bridge is still there, now with a couple of bollards on the towpath to show where it is.DSCF9615

We chugged slowly on to just before Dixons Bridge to moor for the night. Since we have been here there has been a steady flow of boats in each direction, some slower than others, but not a problem.

Today’s Journey image4¼ miles, 2 locks in 3¼ hours

Sunday 15 September 2024

Sunday 15 Sep 2024 Glascote

A good run to the boat with no rain, but when we arrived at Tamworth everywhere was wet. It was nice to see that all the potholes at the moorings have been repaired, not sure why they waited until we were leaving to do it. We had just finished unloading the car and it started to chuck it down se after packing stuff away we sat down to dinner, thankfully it stopped just as we were ready to set off.
We haven’t gone very far, between the winding hole and bridge Anchor Bridge 73, just short of the scrap yard.The reason for the short day is that tomorrow night we have a discount voucher for the Tame Otter.

Since we have been moored up have done an oil and filter change at 6000 hours, I don’t know how many times its been round the clock, I also topped up the 4 domestic batteries with water.

Today’s journey image

2 miles, no locks in one hour.