
Monday 14 October 2024

Aston University

Well the day started very well, the forecast was rain over night and this morning which was correct. Needless to say we were the only boat here last night. It looks as if the moorings were reserved for some event last weekend, when they have finished why cant the organisers take their crap with them? Yes I did bin the one by our boat.DSCF9785

It was quite pleasant by the time we left a little after 11 am. One of the first bridges we passed under was a new one carrying high voltage cables, I don’t know if the design is painted or etched but it improves the look in my opinion. DSCF9786

The traffic lights have gone from the HS2 work, well it was a silly idea in the first place and the offside piling completed.DSCF9787

I guess the American couple must have come down this way yesterday as all the locks were with us and up until lock 4 we made excellent time, but between 3 and 4 Diana picked up what I think was a pushchair cover on the prop, with clear plastic bits, elastic and zips. I spent an hour in lock 4 removing it in small bits, the fact I dropped my Stanley Knife into the bottom of the lock didn’t help matters. Someone around here obviously likes the pigeons as there was a thick layer of corn on the lock side. I bet the local rats are plump.DSCF9789

From here it was a clear run up to Bordesley Junction and sharp right along to Digbeth Junction. They are still working on the old Banana warehouse at Warwick Bar, with a new roof and lots of new timbers.

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Again another right turn onto the Digbeth Branch, through Curzon St.Tunnel and into the 6 Ashted locks, these were all against us with several top gates open. Work is progressing on the HS2 bridge and there is now a nice sweeping ramp to one side, the bridge supports for the canal crossing look much like last time we were this way but are now wrapped.

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An uneventful passage through Ashted Tunnel, you have to watch the cabin top on the curve of the roof depending on the amount of tumblehome on the cabin to the last lock, Once clear of that we moored for the night outside the University buildings.

Todays Journey image

3½ miles, 11 locks in 3½ hours

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