Last night we wandered down to The Narrowboat for dinner, Its the first time I have had a stake in a long time, It was a very lean rump with hardly a trace of fat.
The moorings at Middlewich Narrowboats were quite quiet so we had a good night.
This morning we wandered up to the office about half eight to see what was happening, when we walked back to the boat last night the chap was still grinding on the boat and about quarter to ten a knock on the boat said they were ready for us, so we followed the boat ahead down through the top lock and then turned very sharp right in the top pound to ender the dry dock. I had been instructed that as soon as the bows entered to stop and kill the engine as they would man handle it in from there. A drop more water was required from above the flight to lift us over the stock.
Once in we were centred using 3 ropes and the stop planks put across the dock entrance. While this was going on the flight was closed as using the locks would effect the levels. Once all stop planks were in the drain was opened to commence emptying the lock.
It wasn't many seconds before we were bottomed out, as the water level dropped a waterproof sheet was pushed down on the outside of the planks and the pressure of water leaking through the gaps in the planks.
It must have taken an hour for the dock to drain completely and as I sit writing this at lunchtime it is pouring with rain, at least it sounds like pouring with it hitting the corrugated roof.
One thing was very fortunate when we came into dry dock, the sliding door on the toilet was wide open, now we have dried out we cant move it, just think if it had been shut.
There is quite a water level problem in the flight outside, nothing seems to be coming down from above, so now the pound on the bend, outside the dry dock is over a foot down and the last boat to come up had problems getting out of the middle lock over the cill.
Latest update, so far work has not started, we were expecting to be pressure washed this afternoon, but that has not happened. Ever since we came into the dock it has been pouring down with rain
I am not sure how long we will be in here for, but posts will start again when we leave.
1 comment:
Are you staying on the boat while it is in dry dock? That will be interesting, I imagine. Is the dock really empty or do you need wellies to get on and off the boat? Questions, questions! Iain has stayed on board when Kelpie was being blacked but I haven't done that yet.
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