
Thursday 20 April 2023

Home Moorings

We woke, not to early to lovely sunshine, we expected an early call from the water fowl but it didn’t happen.
As we made our way along the Birmingham and Fazeley canal a small team of three were cutting saplings and some a bit bigger on the offside and strimming the undergrowth.DSCF7800DSCF7801

Things started getting busy as we approached  Fazeley Junction with boats queuing for the water point, With people watching I swung onto the Coventry Canal and through bridge 77 flawlessly. At the Tame aqueduct Diana was steering and a boat appeared through the bridge at the other end, Diana stopped in a nice straight line to wait for them, they bobbed around for a bit and then waved her through. Diana commented to me that Glascote locks would be with us, they were but there was a queue and another coming down. The boat ahead of us going up drew over three foot and was doubtful about the pound, unfortunately he went slightly too far to the offside passing the boat coming down and struggled a bit. I expected him to be slow being so deep, but we didn’t catch him up until we reached Alvecote.
For once reversing into our berth down the marina the wind was in our favour, but did it really need to see haw hard in could blow when I was half way down for just a few seconds?  As I swung the stern in between the next boat and the pontoon the light breeze just brought the bows round for Diana to pick the bow moorings up.

I would rather not discuss the journey home, torrential rain, road works, roads closed, accident.

Today’s Journeyimage

2 Locks, 6¾ miles in 3 hours

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