We had a few boats going by in each direction before we set of at 10am this morning, The last boat to pass us was Eeyore, I wonder how many people read the small print.He was a good ten minutes ahead, but when we reached Sandon Lock he was still waiting his turn, we have come back to busier waterways, as he was single handing we helped him on his way and also the boat coming up. There was a large raft of floating weed at the mouth of the lock which I was concerned would enter the top paddles but was to heavy for me to remove. As I entered the lock the weed went in as well and wedged us solid, Lots of welly to reverse out, with the help of the following boat we moved it to one side, I went into the lock and they pushed it in behind me. I then held it with the boat hook and towed it out of the bottom and
set it free on its travels again, it was all I could do to hang on to it as I moved slowly forward. Its some way to the next lock so hopefully it will have broken up a bit by then. Western was bit of a pain as I met a boat at the bridge, but due to boats mooring so close to the bridge on both sides nether of us could get by the bank, its also right on a bend that doesn’t help, I tucked my nose in to the bank and waved him through, as they came by I let the bow run out so they could get past my stern.. The geese on the bank here are an interesting mixture, I wonder what the youngsters will look like.
As expected we were in a queue at the next lock, but only a short one an Eeyore was just entering the lock. We were able to give some of the boats traveling North the good news that the floating Market had taken all the visitor moorings below Star lock for the weekend. As we carried on we saw three horses crossing the field together and thought there must be someone with carrots or something, but they were all just coming for a drink from the cut.
Down towards Hoo Mill Lock there were even more geese and goslings, they have been very successful so far this season.
As we came into Great Haywood the services were free so we stopped to fill with water, also the boat yard sells ice creams which is a bonus on a day like today, by the time we were ready to go another boat had also been taking water and 3 more were waiting. Once that was sorted in was down to Gt Haywood lock where a boat was just coming, so we were straight down, below the lock several boats were waiting to come up including boating friends who we haven seen since before lockdown, Colwich lock was full and on one except us to use it, what’s more the track over the bridge was dry. Our plan was to stop at Wolseley Bridge, but as it was so nice we pushed on to moor by the Trent Aqueduct just outside Rugeley.
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