
Sunday, 16 March 2025


Well we left home at quarter past ten and at quarter past one we were parked in the marina. Not a bad run, just one hold up on the A14 where it dropped to single lane and also a couple of light rain showers.Its a lot colder in the midlands than it was at home, only 3°C when we arrived at the boat, it was about 7°C when we left home so the boat was a bit cool.

The first job I had to do once I had unloaded and parker the car was to decoke the stove, we had a lot of problems last trip with it smoking and sooting up. Not a big job but a dirty one, then it was a sandwich for lunch before setting off at about half two.
Out of the marina and turned left, I must say it felt a bit warmer in the shelter of the hedgerows helped by the sky clearing and the sun coming to say hello.

We met a few boats on the move and a few have passed us since we have been moored up almost opposite the waterpoint just before the junction.
Not far from our marina sitting in front of a farm building is an old Braunston tunnel tug, its only just visible through the trees. UCC have a similar one .DSCF0481

As we passed Dunchurch Pools marina it was nice to see lots of Grey Geese as you only normally see groups of Canada Geese these days. There were lotsDSCF0482 more but I could only get these in shot

Todays JourneyScreenshot 2025-03-16 164818

150 miles by car 4½ miles in 1½ hours by boat

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