We set off a few minutes after ten and made our way to the top of Foxton Locks. When we arrived there were 3 boats ahead of us waiting to go down and the first of two coming up about to leave the top lock, so it was 11o’clock before we entered the top lock. I do wonder if this character was modelled on Mick, any one know what happened to Mick and Chrystal?
We made our way down the flight alone which is not a problem for us and we are more than happy to work like that. It was a little hazy looking out but that soon lifted.
There were three Volockies working the flight today which was just as well as two of the boats were single handers,including the one coming up who we passed mid flight.
Once we cleared the locks we turned left and made our way passed Debdale Marina, where thankfully the offside overhanging trees have been trimmed back.
The length of canal from the marina to the tunnel is an SSSI so vert little weed cutting takes place, I really should.t want to meet a wide beam boat on this bend, half the width of the canal is reeds.
We carried on to just beyond the winding hole after the aqueduct, this is the last mooring spot before Saddington Tunnel.
4½ miles 10 locks in 3 hours
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