Well it certainly rained last night so I was glad we ate in and didn't go to the pub.
This morning was drizzly when we walked into the village to the butchers, this is now owned by Alan the butcher who use to work there and not the farm, but still looks the same inside, so lets hope the beef is still as good.
The rain had eased by the time we returned to the boat stopping off at Audlem Mill on the way for a look round. So it was gone 11 when we pushed off. We had a great run up the locks meeting 3 boats in the flight, all in the right place and with all the locks in out favour apart from the top one.
By now the sun kept peeping out but it continued to rain.
The flight is renowned for having some fierce by-washes.
but today on some there was no flow at all on some of them and others were quite mild..
Its possible to buy eggs, cakes and ice cream at different locks on the flight if you feel in need of such items.
Once at the top we pulled over on the 48 hour moorings for lunch, needless to say the rain stopped immediately and the sun came out.
While we were eating lunch a boat came passed, this would mean that all the Adderley flight would be against us, but there were only 5 this time.
The lock waiting bollards below Adderley lock are completely useless as they have been fenced off rather than repaired.
By now it had stopped raining again and the sun was out, even a little bit of blue in the sky. We made good time up the flight with Diana setting ahead and moored on the 5 day moorings at the top a little before 4pm.
The Shropshire Union canal is renowned for what is know as the Shroppie Shelf. This is where the foot of the wall that forms the canal bank has a large foundation to it below the water level, we normally get round this by floating a couple or wheelbarrow wheels between the boat and the bank, but in this case we are well over 18" out from the edge, so even they wont help, lets hope the wind doesn't get up overnight and bang us about..
3.2 Miles, 18 locks in 3 1/4 hours
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