Late start today as I fitted a new aerial to the bedroom radio and then took the bathroom hot tap to pieces as it was getting very stiff so by the time we set of it had turned 11 am.
We hadn't gone far creeping past the miles of moored boats when this chap slid over us.
There must be more long term linear moorings on the Shropshire Union than any other.
No trip along here would be complete without a photograph of the telegraph pole in the bridge at High Bridge. Everyone takes one.
Then the next run of moorings to south of Norbury Junction. We saw very few boats on the move and had a clear run through Cowley Tunnel, I forgot to fit the headlight but its only 80 yards long and carved from solid rock. The south portal is more impressive than the north one, maybe I will take a shot of that on the way back.
I have read two reports of people seeing Swallows this year, well we saw out first clutch of Mallards of the season, its still cool at night so I hope they get on OK.
At High Onn Wharf this Mallard was a little bit behind still sitting on her nest in the bridge hole, but her camouflage was so good that I was passed before I spotted her.The next section the trees gave a nice covering arch to the canal, the bank looked good for mooring along here but I didn't fancy being under these all night as if you get a bit of rain they drip for hours and with a good blow sometimes fall over,
so we carried on down through the next bridge to where it was more open between bridges 21 and 22 just before Wheaton Aston.
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