Day : Monday
Date : 4 November 2019
Start : 1115
Finish : 1530 hrs Cuttle Bridge Inn
Last night was the most disturbed all trip, but first dinner, an Indian vegetarian takeaway from Shobhas , needless to say we ordered too much again so it was also lunch today. We went to bed just before midnight and then the music started, It sounded like someone had opened the door to a night club but I suspect it was actually a car in the carpark making the boat vibrate with the heave base and rap music, It eventually went quiet and we went to sleep, then the road sweeper going round and finally the builders started working, as we were about to get up it went quieter so we had an extra hour in bed.
We set off at quarter past eleven down through the stop lock and onto the Birmingham and Fazeley canal, again a spring like morning. The water is getting quite clear now and as Diana was driving I could see the rubbish on the bottom as we passed over it. Diana jumped ship at Brace Factory Bridge to do a bit of shopping and I carried on to Butlers bridge to wait for her. As the fly tipping is still there I sent a photo to CRT, maybe they will get it cleared. While I was there I wandered up onto the bridge, this is the first time I have looked at the fire hose access doors from the road side and surprising the padlocks don't look vandalised.
When Diana returned we had lunch of Masala Dosa before setting off to Minworth locks, you can see from this photograph what a nice day it was but its turning cooler this afternoon. We had soon done all tree Minworth Locks and were heading to moor by Wiggins Hill bridge, outside the Cuttle Bridge Inn, just before the bridge , the field on the off side is covered in short shallow
trenches all set at 90°. Something in my mind tell me these trenches are used to carry out an archaeological survey before land is developed.
Today's Journey6 Miles 3 Locks in 3 hours.
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