Day : Wednesday
Date : 7 August 2019
Start : 0945
Finish : 1500 Lapworth Visitor Moorings
I have uploaded our proposed route to CanalPlanAC at if anyone wants to see where we are likely to be. It gets updated with actual position each night.
What a lovely quiet night last night, this morning we woke to sunshine and were away before 10 am. It seems that Shirley Drawbridge has been out for several months after being damaged by a lorry.
The Earlswood Motor Boat Club clubhouse is looking very sorry for its self, I don't know what their plans are.
We carried on stopping for lunch just above lock 2, while we were there we had a chat with an old boating friend Clive who is also secretary of the Stratford upon Avon Canal Society. I took the opportunity to do a visit to the weed hatch, the first this trip which when you consider where we have been wasn't bad. There wasn't that much on the blades, just some round the shaft held on by cable insulation.
We had a very good run down the flight only turning the first lock and were able to leave most gates open for boats coming up. We only did 13 locks, mooring just below lock 14 on the 48 hr moorings to do a crew change, Brian and Spot will be back tonight.
Well I was right the Blog did require updating, as sure enough we ran out of water so we had to drop down 4 locks to top up. Brian and Spot joined us here and we said goodbye to George. We then had to drop down another 3 locks and cross the junction to moor for the night, just below lock 22. The footbridge leading to the moorings just above the junction is well rotten so they have build a
scaffold bridge over the lock, I feel sorry for any poor boater who has a barrow full of stuff to take to their boat.
9¼ Miles 20 Locks in 5½ hours
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