Day : Tuesday
Date : 1 October 2019
Start : 1000
Finish : 1345 Bollington mill
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Firstly before we get into today's travels. When I opened my emails this morning I had a very nice email from Silvia and Thomas, a Swiss couple we followed up the Cheshire Locks and got talking to in Kidsgrove, they even set me some photos.
Boy did it rain overnight, right up until 9am this morning. The mooring may not have been the best in the world but we didn't rock and bang as boats went by as we were well aground.
10 am saw us on the move, just a short hop to Marple Junction and then hard left onto the Macclesfield Canal again. We stopped for water at the wharf and dumped the recyclables, not the fastest tap on the system. Just after setting off we met a boat near the bridge where we met the trip boat yesterday and had to pull back to let him pass, its not helped by boats moored both sides and right up to the bridgehole on the towpath side. I was about to set off again when a lady with a dog said there is another boat following, it was her boat and it was much easier to wait a few minutes than sort the tangle out meeting further on. The boat name was Heron, another name for Harnser.
We passed an offside mooring with a fine collection of nick nacks up against the bridge, everything from a lawn mower through to a toy car via cobblers lasts.
Diana did a spell of driving which is unusual, even more unusual is for me to do a bit or walking. The other day I posted a photo with the semitrad stern full of junk, well its still full but has moved along a bit, don't know if it was driven or pulled.
We passed this boat with a wind generator, I think he may not quite be getting what he wants with the blades in the trees.
We decided to moor for the night just passed Bollington Mill as there are rings all the way to the aqueduct and just room for us at the very beginning. So tonight we are alongside.
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