
Friday 17 February 2023

Coventry Basin

The wind picked up during the night and was quite gusty at times today but the temperature was already in double figures at 9 o’clock (that’s when I checked it). We set off for the final ½mile of the Ashby canal, some of the bridges could do wit a bit of pointing on the stone work.DSCF7571

We were soon back to the main line and turned left towards Hawkesbury Junction. To out surprise there were actually vacant mooring spots down by the water point, they must have known we weren’t stopping. At the junction we went straight ahead down to Coventry Basin for the night, we did wonder if there would be any spaces as I expect its 14 day moorings in the winter, anxiety levels were raised when we saw two boats moored outside the basin, canal side, near the water point. However as we came under bridge No.1 we could see the basin was completely empty, we are hear all alone. We haven’t seen a single boat on the move all day. As I write this we have had to turn the stove off, its 30°C in the boat and 17°C outside. The Baltic shop is sill there so a few bits bought, the Portuguese shop is now a café in competition with Playwrights but thankfully they still sell home made cakes, so a small stock was bought for the boat.

Today’s Journeyimage

8¾ miles, no locks in 2¾ hours.

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