
Sunday 19 February 2023


Last night laying in bed it sounded like birds pecking on the deck, not ducks at the water line, although they did a bit of that as well. The mystery was solved this morning, it was Blackthorn growing out of the bank rubbing on the side of the hull. 
We were away about quarter to ten, stopping for water and dumping the rubbish at the top of the flight. Two observations, the tap is slow and the Biffa bins are half full of sheet polystyrene.We had a good run down the flight, all the locks were against us but all the water levels were good. It took us two hours and ten minutes.
Between locks 4 and 5 a walker enquired if we were doing the whole flight and then told us there was a section of wooden fencing in the canal just below lock 7, he was right, but it came out quite easy with the boat hook.
There is a lovely show of daffodils beside lock 2, they are the best we have seen so far.DSCF7588 

In the now disused side pond, at I think it was lock 8 there are a large number of fresh water mussel shells laying on top of the weed, I don’t know if this could be the work of an Otter, I understand they have been seen down here.DSCF7589

Clear of the locks and I spotted a short train on the main line, a diesel engine each end and just 3 yellow coached in between, I couldn’t get a clear shot due to the bushes and sun coming towards me.DSCF7591

By now the weather was quite warm as we made our way to our mooring for the night a Polesworth, just before we passed under the West Coast Main line they were motorbike scramble racing up on the hill, even racing sidecar combinations. I think its the first time we have seen any activity here .DSCF7592

We are really living it up this week, tonight will be an Indian on Chinese takeaway.

Todays Journeyimage

5 miles, 11 locks in 3¾ hours

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