
Tuesday 16 July 2024


To say it rained yesterday evening and throughout the night would be an understatement, it was raining when we got up but as soon as it cleared we decided to set off, this of course coincided with a boat coming passed, it could have been worse, when we reached the first lock there were two more behind is. It was still fine drizzle when we pushed off but that had cleared by the first lock and the weather continued to improve. On the way to the first lock we met Richard who had just come down, DSCF9460

so at least the lock ahead would be ready for them.
We have been playing leapfrog with this boat for a few days but its the first time we have met at a lock and had a chat. From here we followed them (at a distance) all the way to Audlem lock where they moored ready to wind in the morning. We carried on up two locks to moor for the night. There were plenty of spaces, I think these notices may have put a few off. Not everyone reads the small print.DSCF9465

The garden at Audlem bottom lock is still being maintained on the off side. I don’t know who tends it, I think its probably on CRT land.DSCF9464

This poor old old goose may have problems as he wont be able to fly to avoid predators, its commonly known as Angel Wing.DSCF9461



Today’s Journey image

4¾ miles, 4 locks in 2½ hours.

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