
Friday 12 July 2024


The first boat went past at 7-30 this morning so we knew the locks would be against us, then one went about every half hour, we left at quarter to ten, we should have left it a bit later as the boat ahead was just leaving the first lock as we arrived. We did meet a few boats in the flight but nothing to help us and with two single handers a couple of boats ahead it was a slow run waiting at every lock until the very last one where the boat ahead set the offside lock for us. The weather looked threatening all day and we had a few short showers of very fine drizzle. I didn’t really see anything worth photographing except this chap on a lock approach.DSCF9442

We now have a big decision to make, Indian or Italian tonight’s dinner here in Wheelock?


Today’s Journey image

3¾ miles, 14 locks in 4 hours.

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