
Monday 15 July 2024


We woke to a lovely sunny morning and set off earlier than usual to try to avoid the queues at Cholmondeston Lock, we had already had a couple of boats go by but the first was quite early. Not far from where we moored there are some visitor mooring with picnic tables and BBQ frames, there is also a designated disable mooring.DSCF9454

Our plan worked as there were no other boats at the lock and the two Volockies saw us coming and got the lock ready for us. I did consider stopping to fill with diesel now the services have been taken over by the Chamberlin’s but they were still closed,DSCF9455so it was straight into the lock. Its not surprising there are queues here as one top paddle is out of action. Some time later we were on our way again, I must admit we did stand chatting with the Volockies for a bit.
At Barbridge, where the Middlewich Branch meets the Shropshire Union canal there is a notice on the bridge, I can’t recall seeing a similar notice anywhere else, anyone know of one?DSCF9456

Two honks of the horn and I slowly went forward until Diana indicated a boat was coming, but as he wanted to come under the bridge he held back and let me out. We turned hard left towards Nantwich, I had a bit of a squeeze on the wide at Henhull Moorings as this lady wanted to hang to my side and only just left room to get between her and the moored boats, I think with the flowers she couldn’t see to the right hand side of her boat.DSCF9458

  Nantwich was packed, but it looks to me as if CRT have made more moorings available for visitors south of the aqueduct on the embankment. We decided to moor for the night north of the railway bridge before Hack Green locks.

Today’s Journeyimage

7¼ miles, 1 lock in 3 hours

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