
Sunday 14 July 2024

Cholmondeston Winding Hole

It was drizzling first thing and quite a few boats moving about so we waited until 11 am to set off hoping to avoid queues at locks and it worked quite well. One of the canal side properties in Middlewich has a good collection of Narrowboat. Can you have too many boat?DSCF9451

We had a male swan escort us the length of Park Farm moorings past his wife and kids, they didn’t even come begging for food.DSCF9452

We arrived at Stanthorne lock and I nosed in against the gates only to find there was a boat coming down, I couldn’t see any disturbance in the canal from the water coming out of the gate paddles. There was another boat at the top waiting, a family of Norwegians heading for the Bridgewater canal. When we got to Minshull lock there was another boat waiting to go up as well as boats coming down. Its easy to see how queues build up. Hear we heard tails of the queues at Cholmondeston Lock, but we weren't going that far today.
There has been lots of talk on the internet about CRT’s towpath mowing this year, well it looks as if they have grabbed the bull by the horns of the Middlewich branch, even avoiding patches of wild flowers, maybe that will keep both camps happy, those who want the towpaths left for nature and those that want them cut.DSCF9453


Today’s Journey image

2 lock  7¼ miles in 3 hours

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