Day : Thursday
Date : 28 September 2019
Start : 0855hrs
Finish : 1530hrs Scholar Green
A little update to a blog I posted last trip about a structure we saw behind Kate Narrowboats at Warwick on the GU on 29 August One of the followers of this blog ( I don't know their name) has contacted me with more information and all the details can be read on this web site.
Early hours this morning as expected it rained but when we got up the sun was out so a quick breakfast and away. We were passing all the moored boats when the one at the end pulled out in front of us, two families of Canadians who we followed to Lawton bottom lock, her Diana suggested that the two ladies went ahead and set the next lock, after that they were off like greyhounds and we didn't see them to speak to until we reached Red Bull services. There is a lot of work ongoing at Lawton bottom lock, the new gates are in and they look to be working in the paddle culvert they still have their workboat Lawton moored above the lock,
all that's required now is to fix the rest of the problems on the flight, locks 66, 52, 50, 45 and 42 are all out of action, there are two paddles out on Lock 50,thankfully not both at the same end and one out on 51 and 41. It only needs one paddle out of the first three to fail and the flight is closed. Also the pumpout at Bulls Bridge is still out of action along with the tumble dryer.
At Lawton bottom lock we had two boats behind us queuing and despite me back setting one lock we had filled with water an Red Bull and were on our way before we saw them behind us again.
Up at the locks just below Red Bull services someone has painted the raised bricks that you push against while opening the lock gates red, I have not see this anywhere else.
They have also gone to a lot of trouble to ensure that no one tries to enter the closed lock No. 45 by hanging some red "flags" up.We stopped just before Plants lock so that Diana could do a quick dash to Tesco and then we were away up through Plants lock, not very quickly as it only has one paddle operational on the side we used, the other side the flags and weather station have to come down as the bridges are different heights. Once clear of the lock and after a boat came out from the Macclesfield canal a good blast on the horn and I turned right. It was such a pity that the boat that came out failed to mention there was a boat behind him. Good job I blew the horn.
We carried on up the Macclesfield canal through there interesting double length stop lock and moored just before bridge 87. We had just pulled up and we had the first proper rain of the day as we ran the lines out and got the bows as close as possible to the bank.
1 comment:
Wondered where my red and white spotted hankys had gone, every boater and boating dog should have one
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