A little bit of a late start but the weather was better than expected and we didn’t see rain until 1pm. On the way to Colwich lock we passed the house who has had a tree stump carved into a woodpecker, there is even a hole right through the stump in line with the birds beak.
The bridge below Colwich lock was dry for a change, its normally a sea of mud, even in dry weather due to the cows crossing regularly. There is some interesting iron work on the bridge parapet with a bar for the towing line to run up over the brick work and a raised section to then let the line drop onto a roller, the roller is long gone but one support eye is
still there. This would have allowed the horse to draw the boat right into the mouth of the lock, momentum would have finished the job. The overhang and upright parts would have stopped the rope sliding off the roller as the pull wouldn’t have been straight. We had bit of a wait her as there was a boat ahead of us and 3 coming down.
There were quite a few boats moored between here at Great Haywood Junction, most of whom we had already seen this week, we even passed a goose who looks as if she is setting up home.
Just beyond Great Haywood Marina HS2 is making its presence felt, boring test holes in the land opposite, they have had to lay a temporary road to get there.
Coming through Western I was disappointed not to see Asbo Swan, he and his partner must have decided to nest elsewhere this year, or maybe they are no longer a couple for some reason. There is a video of him HERE.
From 1pm onwards it rained, not heavey rain but enough to need a coat on for the rest of the journey, its still spitting now.
Beyond Sandon the railway runs very close to the canal, this is the only stretch of highspeed line that I can think of that is not fully fenced on both sides, there is none at all along here. I would liked to have posted a photo of a train on the section, but it just didn’t happen.
Stanton Lock had a good flow of water coming down the bywash, the house by the lock now have their garden in very good order.(I photoed the bywash, not the garden)
Last time we were this way we saw a fox running over the meadows, today it was his dinner, 3 rabbits peacefully sitting there until I pointed a camera in their direction. Then it was just white tails
We moored for the night, as per our plan, yes we have a plan, just before Upper Burston Bridge in very light rain and a much brighter sky.
Todays Journey
9¼ miles 5 locks in 4¼ hours.
The Google map of the entire journey to date can be seen at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=17mjw4LFpTYhyPS1NB_mGzeZAr913Rivl&usp=sharing
You can also see our planned itinerary at https://canalplan.uk/journey/16879_cp
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