
Tuesday 23 April 2024


A couple of boats went by earlier so we decided to set off just before 10 before any more came along. The Weston ASBO Swan was waiting for me on the offside bank, he ran along beside us before taking toDSCF9316the water to follow. The camera battery went flat at that point, but he chased us down the canal until we met a boat coming the other way, that confused him as he turned to chase the other, then turned back and ended up staying where he was.
Our leaving time worked well, no one ahead and a boat just entered Weston lock to come up. It was a very similar story at Hoo Mill lock with a boat waiting to come in as we left. It looks as if they are installing a major sewage system on the land to the west of the canal.DSCF9318

We stopped in Gt Haywood to fill with water, luckily no one at the services when we arrived but the junction was quite busy so at Gt Haywood lock we were in a queue, a shared ownership boat with very elderly crew, and a single hander on a brand new boat ahead, also a steady stream coming up, but people mucked in and things moved well. One of the boats moored just above the lock was this lovelyDSCF9321inspection launch, not sure how practical it is but just look at her lines, especially the stern.DSCF9320

When we came up, about three weeks ago there was a large lake in front of Shugborough  Hall, today that had all gone and the river, although running fast looked about normal height.DSCF9322

On down to Colwich Lock. the track over the bridge looked a bit dryer where the cows cross. Here we were third in the queue and by the time we entered the lock there were another three behind us.
Down at Wolseley Bridge there was a large group of school children standing by the river, probably aDSCF9323 field study outing, it was a good job it was today and not yesterdays weather. Talking of weather we haven’t had any rain today and the weather App says no rain until Saturday, do I believe it?
As we came into the outskirts of Rugeley we passed this boat with a fine collection of cats and dogs, I am not sure how many as the owner was catching them up and putting them back onboard.DSCF9324

I can’t come through Rugeley without a photograph of Naomi's Landing, how they keep coming up with ideas I don’t know.DSCF9326

We have moored for the night outside Tesco’s , at the moment there are only 2 other boats moored to the south and about 3 to the north. It may pick up later as people stop for the night.

Today’s Journeyimage

9 miles, 4 locks in 4¾ hours

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