A lovely quiet mooring last night, a very clear sky when we went to bed, this morning we got up to bright sun shine and it has stayed that way all day. Very few boats about, we started to catch up with one in the narrows just before Autherley Junction which was handy because he met a boat near the far end that in turn waited for us to pass. C&RT have done a lot of work cutting back the trees that overhung the towpath, you think someone would have realised that the shredded wood would wash back down the bank onto the path.

I rather liked this Spanish stile outdoor eating area that some is building facing the canal, its quite a structure, not sure what the planners would say about it all.
As we arrived at Compton lock a hire boat was about to leave, not only that but a trip boat was waiting below to come in, so that saved us a lot of gate swinging. The Top gate paddle is in need of a little love and attention,I have reported it to C&RT via their web site and included a link to the photo below.
Once below the lock it was all quiet again, Whoever has been putting the faces on tree trunks has also been adding them to a lot of the C&RT posts displaying "No Fishing" etc.

Our target for tonight was Dimmingsdale visitor moorings, there are two lots, one just through the bridge opposite an arm with some smart older boats moored there, the other is on the offside just above the lock, its also possible to moor towpath side between the two. When we arrived the first was empty, there was a boat between the two lots of moorings and we could see at least one down by the lock, so we plumbed for the empty section just through the bridge hoping the road is not to busy overnight.
Todays Journey 8.2 miles, 3 locks in 3½ hours
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